Solar Electric Vehicle
这是一款创新的太阳能电动汽车,这款车能够提供长达 400 英里的续航,且在阳光充足的情况下可每天免费行驶 40 英里。该车型采用太阳能电池板覆盖设计,可大幅减少对充电设施的依赖,适合生活在阳光明媚地区的用户,年均可行驶超过 10,000 英里。太阳能电动汽车不仅具备高效的绿色动力和零排放优势,还通过碳纤维轻量化车身增强了耐用性和性能。车内设计注重便利性与舒适性,配有 U 形方向盘、中等大小的屏幕和丰富储物空间。车辆外部的太阳能电池板覆盖了车顶、仪表板和舱口,致力于将这款太阳能电动汽车打造成全功能的绿色交通工具,适应未来的环保出行需求。 Photo of the collaborative car design between Apple and Volvo, a sleek solar-powered electric vehicle with rounded shapes, in the style of Apple's aesthetic, parked in an outdoor parking lot on California's main street. The exterior is white and silver, featuring small blue windows for visibility. It has four wheels, resembling high-tech alien technology mixed with modern aesthetics. A single large circular sunroof, brown with a black glass cover, covers one half of its body. --ar 99:64 - Image #3 @MicMJ
Midjourney Prompt: